Our Happy Dance

Joy in the day to day! Joy in who we are together! Joy unspeakable (1Peter 1:8)!

Five Minute Friday -Remember

Five Minute Friday

Linking up with Lisa-Jo for Five Minute Friday. We write for five minutes flat (unedited) on a prompt she provides. Today’s prompt is: Remember.

Here goes. . .

Sometimes, I don’t think you understand fully. I think you believe that you are nothing out of the ordinary; not particularly talented, strong or self-made. I can see you grapple when I tell you how beautiful I think you are; how everything has changed because of you. I don’t think you comprehend it. I remember though. I keep you before me always. I remember you, boyish, skinny and smart, standing in the bleachers on the football field. I remember you driving around with the roof on your jeep pulled down. I remember you, speaking so sweetly at St. Anthony Mann, promising me forever and asking gently if I’d be yours. Most everything I remember involves tenderness and time, really sweet time. You opening a door and ushering me inside. You grabbing my hand and helping me climb a trail at Gooseberry Falls. You putting a crib together for a little pink bundle. You crying when you held our son for the first time. You are an extraordinary man. All of these years, you and me, against the flow and against the odds. I remember love; I am living love.






Oh, The Places You’ll Go

When the annual Expo happens at the school, proud parents flock in and there isn’t a face in the place that doesn’t show the “parent smile.” You know the one? The one where you smile so wide your cheeks hurt, and your face is blushed, and your eyes are shining (if not a little misty)? Every parent in the room thinks his or her baby is the best and the brightest. Every parent in the room has that right too. Boy, do they ever! This is why I don’t believe in the participation prize, the consolation prize; a parents love, if they are doing it right says it all. A quick look around any event such as this and you just know, every kid is a winner.  I’m so not alone here. Gosh though, my girl, she does make me feel like I’m leading the parade. Beautiful inside and out, creative, and so smart to boot! I’m positively giddy about this kid! Her Daddy and I, we both are!

Raising a cup of hot chocolate to our beautiful girl. Second place in the 3rd and 4th grade Science Fair, first place in our hearts!

Oh the places you’ll go!

There is fun to be done!

There are points to be scored.

There are games to be won.

And the magical things you can do with that ball will make you the winning-est winner of all.”

~Dr. Seuss Oh, the Places You’ll Go


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January Joy

January joy (photos of people I love, living out our beautiful and chaotic life)!


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Good Times at the Nature Center

We had the best time yesterday, my boy and I, at the local nature center. We participated in the My Preschooler and Me program which occurs monthly on the first Monday of the month. This was our very first time. We built a fort out of cardboard blocks, we created an owl out of toilet paper tubes. We cut out animal shapes out of play-dough. We hiked and we learned all about owls and owl habitat.  The beautiful Raptor in the photo below so touched my heart; she’s a miracle. She was hit by a car and now has just one eye. She weighs just over 2 lbs and has some difficulty with depth perception but she’s a survivor!  Beautiful, indeed!

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